Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well we just spoke in church. Both kids and Mike and I. We made it through just fine. The kids were wonderful speakers and of course Mike always does excellent. Me? Well....I made an effort to slow down my speaking and actually let people hear and understand me. I get so nervous and then speak so fast, my 15 min talks take 7 minutes tops. I made it last longer this time. Mike still had some filler time but he did terrific!!


McKinna said...

YOU did great! Your whole fam makes it look so easy... so envious of you.
That is what I wish I could change about me- being a freain' scardy cat!!!!

Cari J said...

You did awesome Julie!! I do the same thing. I basically spend the whole time concentrating on talking slow enough that I'll take enough time, and making sure I look around and don't look like I'm reading every word. I get up there and my brain turns off (unfortunately I have that problem on a regular basis) but when you're in front of everyone it's a real problem. So I basically write every single word I am going to say. If they can do that in General Conference, I can do that in church, right? You guys really did great though. I think you distracted my kids enough (because they are used to seeing you up front in primary, the part of church they like to go to) that they actually were being better than normal so I actually got to hear your talks :)