Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cody is in the MTC now!

Let me start by saying dropping Cody off at the MTC was absolutely the hardest most emotional thing I have ever done.  I am so glad I only had one son because I seriously do not know how I could ever do that again. It was raining all that day and it felt like it was raining inside the truck on the way home too! Melissa rode up with us and she was sick with the flu poor girl.  But she was a trooper and was there to support Cody. She is awesome! 
We got our first email Monday and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off of me. My cute son was doing great and having a good time. So relieved! Even though I expected nothing less, I still needed to hear from him to be sure.  What a special young man he is.  We are so blessed to be given such a choice son of God to be part of our family. Cody is a wonderful example to us!
Here are a few of the pictures he sent us from the MTC: