Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow in Vegas!!

Yes- we are having a snow storm. Unbelievable. While my family has fun playing in it, taking pictures and building a huge snowman-I think to myself..............I really dont like the snow or the cold. Didnt I move from Idaho? Didnt I move to where the sun always shines and the weathers always warm? What the heck is going on today? I came home(which took 1+ hours instead of 20 minutes) and measured 5 inches(and still snowing) on my back fence. Who exactly was "dreaming of a white Christmas"? But I admit, it is nice to sit inside by the gas fireplace(used 1x in the last 3 yrs) with its fake logs and think brrrrr its cold outside and its so nice in here. And it is nice to look outside and see the white winter snow, the soft glow of Christmas lights & some jacka++ in a bathrobe smoking a cigar while empting his crapper into the citys sewer line............wait a minute......I think that's a movie. "The sh++er was full!" You just have to love cousin Eddie. Anyway enough about that great Christmas classic. Back to reality. Hope everyone is staying warm. The kids are taking a snow day tomorrow since the schools are closed due to the weather. I sure wish I had a snow day!


McKinna said...

haha! you always make me laugh! We love that movie! It's great! We should watch it together soon! Your house looks so different with all the snow- & we LOVED your snowman! ;)