Friday, January 9, 2009


Ok-so I joined the facebook phenom. But now I cant keep up with everything anymore. Its just too much. Between working 45-50 hrs every week, church, little blogging, little facebook, little myspace, checking emails, surfing the net, cooking, cleaning, laundry, time with kids, time with Mike, watching CSI & Fringe, Zumba(soon), little Wii Fit(very little lately), little sleeping- I have got to cut back on something! And you all who know me well-know I cant stop the cleaning or the CSI. Been trying to cut out the cooking and the laundry but just isnt working out for the rest of the family! So I got to trim off myspace. It's gone as of tomorrow. Maybe if I do that I can add in 2 nights a week for Jazzercize!


McKinna said...

man! u r busy... i try to cut back on things to.... 'specially the stupid cooking! (that doesn't work for the fam either...) but hey, at least I'm CONSTANTLY cooking for Dal, right?! ;)
Gonna miss u on myspace!!

Unknown said...

I know how you feel! I decided I like blogging the best (and most my friends were doing it as well) so I got rid of my facebook and my myspace. It was just too much! So good for you for cutting something out! :)

Michelle said...

Hey - excited to hear you're going to try Zumba. They offer it at my gym, as well. Let me know what you think. I'm guessing you'll love it, since you're a hip-shaking belly dancer and all :)