Saturday, January 17, 2009

Girls Night Out

Another fun girls night out last night. Met at the Henderson Fiesta for Fat Burgers and watched Bride Wars. Very cute chick flick(and a very good turkey burger!) Recommend all the ladies see it. Leave the men home, they will just ruin it for you. After the movie, some of us went to hang out like the teenagers we're not(but it was so fun)at Island Frozen Yogurt Bar. If you have not tried that yet-you should-its fantastic. Its self serve, pay by the ounce. I think about 8 choices of frozen yogurt and many many topping choices including fresh fruit, cheesecake pieces, brownies, crushed candy bars, cookie dough, sprinkles, flavored syrups, etc. YUMMY!


McKinna said...

i had a blast to- such a great movie, and burger! lets go to 'the bar' again sometime this week! LOVE it there!