Friday, May 1, 2009

Our Gold Medalist!

The results are in......Cody placed 1st in the Promotional Bulletin Board competition for Skill USA Champions at Work. YAHOO!! He came home late tonight wearing a Gold Medal and Huge Smile. We are so proud of him! Cody moves on to the National Championship in Kansas City in June.


McKinna said...

YAY Cody! CONGRATS! (& Kansas City?! Dang!!)

Cari J said...

You thought it was hard to have him travel up to Reno? Just waiting until he's taking off for KC!! :) Congrats, that's awesome!!

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness... Dane is just tickled pink and sure Cody has inherited some of his, "skills". (Back in, "the day", he too took 1st place at this type of competition). Too cute!!! We are so so proud of our Coconut!! Way to go!